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Thursday, 29 November 2012

How to check Winodows is active or not

How to check Windows is Active

For Windows XP 

Start, Run and type

oobe /msoobe /a

It's even works for Windows 7

Just type slui in run for Windows 7

Create a bootable USB

Open Command Prompt as administrator

list disk

select disk


create partition primary

select partition 1


format fs=ntfs quick


Windows Vista OS
Windows 7 OS
Windows 8 OS

Thursday, 8 November 2012

AutoCAD splash screen starts up and then closes

How to Uninstall Your Windows Product Key Before You Sell Your PC

Do you have an old PC you want to sell, but also want to use your Windows license on your new PC ?

There is a hidden command in Windows that allows you to do just that. Read on to find out more.


 Note: Between Microsoft and your OEM there are a number of different laws that determine whether you are allowed to use your license on another PC, so follow this tutorial at your own risk. Additionally before you go through the tutorial you will want to check that your product key is still attached to your PC/Installation CD, if it is not , do a quick Google search on how to recover it.

The first thing we need to do is get our activation ID, to do this fire up an administrative command prompt and run:

slmgr /dlv

Windows will open a message box and tell you a bunch of information about the license status of your PC, take note of your activation ID.

 To uninstall your product key you need to use the /upk switch, along with your activation ID:

slmrg /upk 507660dd-3fc4-4df2-81f5b559467ad56b



Installing Your Product Key

Installing your product key on your new PC is just as easy, all you need to do is fire up an administrative command prompt and use the /ipk switch.


  If your key is valid you will be told that your key was installed.

 That’s all there is to it.